Thanks Robert. I'll forward this information to the rest of us.

El domingo, 16 de marzo de 2014, Robert Quattlebaum <>

> __________________
> *Robert Quattlebaum*
> (Sent from iPhone)
> Begin forwarded message:
> *From:* Paul Brown 
> <<javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>
> >
> *Date:* March 16, 2014 at 5:19:22 AM PDT
> *To:*<javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>
> *Subject:* *We would like Synfig to be part of Pling*
> Hi Robert,
> My name is Paul and I am contacting you on behalf of Pling.
> I am a great fan of Synfig, having used it quite a lot for several
> projects.
> As mentioned above, our own project is called Pling, and it is a platform
> for
> microdonations. The aim of Pling is to make dirt-easy for users to give to
> Free Software and Free Culture projects they like. The idea is to help
> projects receive a constant stream of microdonations. I personally thought
> of
> Synfig because it is something I would gladly donate to.
> Pling has no commissions, does not force reaching any goals, has no time
> limits and there are no strings attached. Plus you don't have to upload
> your
> project to Pling. You create a microsite for your project, upload a
> description and some pics or a video and link to your own site and the
> download of your project.
> We will also run thematic campaigns to promote your projects (along with
> others - in your case, we would have a free software graphics week.
> As the site has not officially launched yet, but will do so in (we hope)
> about a
> month, we are contacting projects we are personally fond of to see if you
> would like to sign up, give us feedback and field questions you may have.
> Does this sound interesting to you?
> If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
> Best Regards
> Paul Brown
> --
> Communications
> Pling: Making Donations Easy
> Facebook:
> Twitter:
> Google+:
> Google+Youtube:
> Youtube:

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