Hi everyone,

My team and I have been working on getting acquainted with the Synfig
source code (we're currently in synfig-core), and it is a bit tricky,
even with the API docs. May I suggest implementing a commenting
standard? This is something I've learned from having written a game core
and a language, and collaborating with others on it: good comments aid
every aspect of programming, especially in a large project.

At MousePaw Games, I am in the process of implementing a commenting
standard called CSI (Comments Showing Intent). The basic premise is that
every logical step in the code is accompanied by a plain-language
comment describing the logic. The end goal is that the comments pass the
"CSI Test", in that the code could theoretically be reconstructed in any
programming language using only the comments. (This standard should also
be able to merge seamlessly with the doxygen standard the API docs

My own early experiments with this standard have been encouraging. I
implemented an early version of the CSI standard in the Python source
code for my project, Redstring (it's on Sourceforge), and the result was
that I could debug and optimize code quicker, and that other people
reading the code could quickly understand what I was doing. It didn't
actually take much longer to do, as the process of CSI commenting sped
up my workflow, by helping me keep track of what I was doing, and where
I was going, especially with complex logic.

I have already instructed my team to start commenting all of Synfig's
code in our fork, as we figure out what things do. However, I wanted to
propose the CSI standard here, especially since ya'll know Synfig's code
better than we do right now. I'm very much open to input on the
standard, as it is a work in progress.

Again, my thought is this: if Synfig were CSI-commented, the code and
API docs would be more readable, giving us all of the benefits I
mentioned above. Going back and commenting everything right now would be
completely impractical, but if we all could CSI-comment code as we write
or review it, I believe it would make a huge difference.

I have a .PDF of the CSI standards draft, but I don't think I can attach
it here. You can find it at the following link:

I really look forward to your input on this.


Jason C. McDonald
CEO, Lead Developer
MousePaw Games

Visit Us Online: www.mousepawgames.com
Call Us: 208-557-GAME 

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