2015-03-27 14:02 GMT+06:00  <d.j....@free.fr>:
> Hello crowd of linked tangential,
> and especially Konstantin,
> Firstly, i want to say that i like the way you are managing the V1 release
> candidate in order to release the best V1 we can.
> 1) Could you share your feeling about the still blocking issues .... ?
> (for sure i'm aware of the "blocking release" category in buggenie, and what
> was posted over synfig's blog, synfig's forum ...)
> 2) From my side, i think that the issues affecting the new brush tool should
> be solved (crashing ctrl-z + brush is slown + ....)
> 3) What sides (+ the ones of " Ready for testing / QA" bug tracker category)
> of synfig could we stress test ? (for example gfx tablets inputs was in
> trouble a some point ....)

Well, first of all, let me state, that I am not planning to delay 1.0
until _every_ bug is killed.
We always had bugs and at our current resources we can't afford the
perfectionism. So, I think it's OK if we have a few (dosen? ^__^ )
bugs remaining with 1.0. We could fix them later in 1.0.1, 1.0.2, etc.

My criteria of "are we ready to release 1.0?" is simple: we shouldn't
have any significant regressions comparing to the previous stable
release (0.64.3). At my opinion right now we are very close to satisfy
that requirement.

Currently we have one significant issue on our TODO list:
* Illustrated in this video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTa-ZgzXz8Y
Ivan is working on it right now.

It would be nice to give some love to onionskin, though -
We have no one assigned here yet.

There is also a "preview window crush" issue
(http://www.synfig.org/issues/thebuggenie/synfig/issues/674), but I
haven't got enough information about it.

Brush-related fixes are not on our TODO list for now. Also, I am not
understand what the "brush is slown" mean, sorry. ^__^"

At the moment I am not sure what t suggest for "stress test", except
the daily usage. We are using the latest Synfig builds here in the
studio, that helps us to identify the weak places. So, daily usage -
that's the best.

Best Regards,

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