2015-07-28 22:29 GMT+06:00  <d.j....@free.fr>:
> from the forum : http://synfig.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=9528
> --------
> Since installing Synfig 1.0 and above, I get the following message whenever
> I do an update on openSUSE Tumbleweed 13.2. Can you advise please.
> Warning
> Nothing provides appdata (synfigstudio.appdata.xml) needed by application:
> SynfigStudeio-.noarch
> Conflict Resolution (options)
> 1. deinstallation of application: SynfigStudio-.noarch
> 2. break application: SynfigStudio-.noarch by ignoring some of its
> dependencies
> I choose option 2 but would like to resolve the issue.
> Thanks


Thank you for reporting this. Please submit an issue to the bugtracker
- http://www.synfig.org/issues/thebuggenie/

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