On 6/6/2017 2:39 PM, Dave Jones wrote:
Oops. Sent last email from the wrong account. Still trying to work out the Thunderbird "Correct Identity" plugin settings.
I've not used that plugin. I will have to try it! Note: I moderated your email through.

I will get the disk space cleaned up soon if that is needed. We have tons of old data in /usr/local/spamassassin/backups that can be cleaned up in a few months. I have copied much of it to my local desktop to help me search faster.
I just try and be efficient with resources so if it is helpful and useful, please use it. Eventually I'd like to see if we can return unused resources.
The next task you mentioned is getting the local masscheck setup and running on sa-vm1 which shouldn't be too difficult now that I know what I know.
If you could write that email you mentioned about requesting more RAM and cores on the VM, that would be good to get that started. Right now as I type this email the 'ruleqa.cgi -refresh' is running to update the cache file which takes the load average to 80-110 with most of it being in CPU user.
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-14294 to go from 2core/4gb to 6core/8GB.

I also opened https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-14295 about backups too.
Since they built the VM with no swap space, we could use more RAM as well or the OOM killer will start taking down daemons.
Good point.  I added swap space to the ticket.
I would like to request an upgraded to either 4 or 8 virtual cores and double the RAM to 8 GB
I went with 6 and split the difference.


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