I consider you all part of the ASF family so I am glad things are looking 
better.  Never too much info especially if it helps you feel better to know we 

The project will still be here so no sweat on our part and we welcome any help 
you can give whenever that is.

Anything you need?

On June 21, 2017 9:36:02 AM EDT, Bryan Vest <murli...@gmail.com> wrote:
>Just as I was starting to pick up speed here I ended up in the hospital
>4 days. I went in because of severe chest pain, my heart rate had
>to 35bpm. The local hospital could not figure out what was going on and
>could not get it above 40bpm. After 12 hours of still being in pain
>threw an external pacemaker on me and transfered me by ambulance to the
>nearest hospital that specializes in heart problems.
>The new hospital ran more tests than any human needs and said "You have
>of the symptoms of a heart attack but your blood work is not showing
>enzymes associated with a heart attack."
>They tried atropine, that worked for a few minutes getting my heart up
>52bpm then it dropped back to the 35 - 40 bpm range.
>They changed tactics and said, lets try getting you out of pain and see
>that helps. So after being hooked up to multiple machines to monitor
>part of me they gave me a dose of morphine through IV. As the pain
>faded my
>heart started to stabilize but was still not where it should have been.
>next day they gave me a a shot of Valium and things started to come
>back to
>Their final diagnosis was that I had been in a severe panic attack for
>Maybe TMI but just wanted to let everyone know why I went silent all of

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