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Hi John,

Thanks. We spent Friday as well trying to identify what's going on and I worked with Crashplan to restore the data I had for the old solaris box. It was in an old format because the solaris client was deprecated so it was a lot of juggling.

In any case, I will A) look at this information again. and B) I ran crashplan on the ASF servers because ASF Infra doesn't do backups. I configure it to retain a pretty insane (unlimited) number of revisions as an anti-malware protection. This means you can go in and restore a specific version of

(removed screenshot, too large and mailing list rejected)

I put the credentials in SVN for the ASF crashplan and happy to help walk you through things to see if I have a backup of the file you want to compare.


On 7/4/2017 12:59 PM, Dave Jones wrote:
I have spent about 5 hours this morning trying to track down the generation problem. I haven't pinpointed the problem yet but here's what I have found so far:

NOTE: su - automc for proper paths below.

1. ~/svn/masses/rule-update-score-gen/ is the script in question

Line 271 runs "runGA"

2. runGA creates ~/tmp/generate-new-scores/trunk-new-rules-set0/masses/gen-set0-5-5.0-6000-ga/scores

This 'scores' file has 345 scores in it. I wish we had a copy of this file from mid March to see if it also had around the same number of scores to confirm the runGA/garescorer is not the problem. However, this file is a temp file that used to be in /tmp so it's probably not backed up anywhere and definitely not in SVN.

3. Back in the at line 289, the "extract-new-scores" script creates scores-new from the scores file but excludes/culls out anything manually scored in

The culled scores-new file has the same 42 lines and ends at MILLION_USD just like our so this is the smoking gun but I haven't found the what pulled the trigger yet. There is something different about this step than back on March 15th when we had our last good


At first I thought that changed a lot which caused more exclusion/culling in the but that's not it. The revision only shows a few minor changes in

Next I looked a the garescorer since it get's compiled from garescorer.c every run. The garescorer.c is identical in the backups and in SVN so that's not it. Again, I wish I had a 'scores' file to compare to from mid March.

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