Looking for some help for Dave. Anyone?

On 11/7/2017 7:37 AM, Dave Jones wrote:
I need some help understanding this problem now.  The "promotions validated" have failed for 3 weeks now so the active.list is not updating.  There seems to be some relationship to the masscheck ruleqa web output that is stuck on "day 2" failing.  See the output at the very bottom.

Can someone look at the perl script "listpromotable" and figure out what is going on?  I can tell it's looking at the output by day to find "mcviewing" and "mcsubmitters".

This is day 1 match which is green when you view it in a browser:

    <td class="daterevtd mcviewing" width='20%'>
    <span class="daterev_masscheck_description mcviewing">
        <a name="r20171106_r1814390_n"
            <span class="dr">20171106-r1814390-n</span>
          </strong></a> <b>(Viewing)</b>
        <em><span class="mcsubmitters">axb-coi-bulk axb-generic axb-ham-misc darxus ena-week0 ena-week1 ena-week2 ena-week3 giovanni jarif jbrooks llanga mmiroslaw-mails-ham mmiroslaw-mails-spam thendrikx</span></em>

Day 2 doesn't have that table with "mcviewing".  The next question is what is causing this problem.  Is it related to new commits that throw off the masscheck processing?

P.S. This cron'd script used to redirect all output to /dev/null but I changed it to a tee a few days ago so we could easily keep an eye on this output via emails to this list.


On 11/07/2017 02:30 AM, Cron Daemon wrote:
+ promote_active_rules
+ pwd
+ /usr/bin/perl build/mkupdates/listpromotable
HTTP get: http://ruleqa.spamassassin.org/1-days-ago?xml=1
HTTP get: http://ruleqa.spamassassin.org/2-days-ago?xml=1
no 'mcviewing', 'mcsubmitters' microformats on day 2
URL: http://ruleqa.spamassassin.org/2-days-ago?xml=1
+ exit 25

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