On 11/09/2017 07:27 AM, Merijn van den Kroonenberg wrote:

Well...  My local patch is still in place.  This is lines 195-206 of
current trunk/masses/rule-update-score-gen/generate-new-scores.sh:

What is the full path? The question is in which working copy did you
this change (what is it used for). Because in the working directories
for score generation it isn't. Thats in
(each set having its fully checked out working copy)
In generate-new-scores.sh the workingcopies are done each night
from scratch (old one removed, new one checked out). So no uncommitted
code can be used in the score generation part.


should be calling


which finally calls the locally modified and not committed script that
is intended to create our 72_active_before_grep.cf but it's not some
something is definitely not as I expected


Very strange, no idea why it doesn't work and nothing gets logged in the

can you do a:
svn status /usr/local/spamassassin/automc/svn/masses
svn status /usr/local/spamassassin/automc/svn/trunk

Both commands return nothing. I need to investigate this closer for sure. Day job and family stuff is currently keeping me busy. It's not easy to tshoot this when it takes a long time between runs. Can't stay focused on it. I could run these scripts manually in the evenings US time but it still takes about 40 minutes if I remember correctly. It did this a lot back in April and May when I could stay on top of it to make some progress fairly quickly.

Another major problem we have to figure out is the rules promotion script from the build/mkupdates/run_nightly. If we can't get any rules promoted, then masscheck'ing is just spinning it's wheels since we need and updates active.list to tell what the current 72_scores.cf should contain.

+ promote_active_rules
+ pwd
+ /usr/bin/perl build/mkupdates/listpromotable
HTTP get: http://ruleqa.spamassassin.org/1-days-ago?xml=1
HTTP get: http://ruleqa.spamassassin.org/2-days-ago?xml=1
no 'mcviewing', 'mcsubmitters' microformats on day 2
URL: http://ruleqa.spamassassin.org/2-days-ago?xml=1
+ exit 25

All of those script should be checking out fresh copies of everything
they work with into


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