The rules were promoted this morning (or well, my morning).
However, the working copy changes were committed to the tag which is
generated by the rule promotion scripts.

Revision: 1815062
Author: spamassassin_role
Date: maandag 13 november 2017 9:33:12
promotions validated
Added : /spamassassin/tags/sa-update_3.4.1_20171113083107 (Copy from path:
/spamassassin/trunk, Revision, 1815061)
Modified :
Modified :

So I guess the rule promotion scripts tag the workingcopy
/usr/local/spamassassin/automc/svn/trunk instead of tagging directly the
current trunk in the repository.

Maybe worth checking if your changes are still in the workingcopy.

What is this change in run_nightly about, the decreased version number?

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