At 01:48 PM 12/18/2002 -0800, Darren New wrote:
>Bennett Todd wrote:
> > Yes indeedy "and then some". Multiplexed streams of
> > MIME-structure-framed XML seems a bit over the top, no?
>Um.... BEEP uses SSL. BEEP includes a mechanism for saying you want to
>use SSL. (Well, TLS, but you know that.) BEEP does not replace TLS - it
>merely provides a way for you to ask the other side to use TLS, and for
>the other side to accept or refuse.

AND it introduces more processing in between your payload and TLS.

>I'm not sure I understand why you don't already know this, if you've
>read the syslog-reliable spec.

because in the syslig-reliable spec (RFC 3195) on page 5 it says...

    "At the time of this writing, only one such transport is defined, in [4],
    which specifies BEEP over TCP."

Now in fact it specifies BEEP over TLS, I gather.

The point is, BEEP adds a layer of overhead that people are debating the
value of.

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