Hi WG,

I hope for a clarification. We have an interop issue between SDSC
syslogd and liblogging. It is related to the semantics of COOKED.

When a intiator talks to a listener, is there a half-duplex or
full-duplex communication going on? I mean, must each <entry> be
acknowledged by either an <error> or <ok/> before the next <entry> can
be sent? Or can there be multiple unacknowledged <entry> elements? To be
precise, I am talking about a SINGLE CHANNEL, only.

I tried to resolve this by looking at RFC 3080, from there it looks like
multiple outstanding <entry> elements (MSG in RFC 3080 context) are

This is an example, all on a single channel:

<ok 1>
<ok 3>
<ok 2>

Would this be a valid scenario? If so, is there any window that the
acknowledgement or error must occur within?

Any clarification would be deeply appreciated.

Many thanks,

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