Hi Folks,

I've updated the WG web page with a pointer to our Issues.

Below is the latest proposal with pointers to the Archive.
(I believe that is the latest proposal from the discussions from Albert
and Rainer so please review it and make sure it's what we want.  I also
changed "of" to "or" in a sentence below so that it now reads, "after the
last '\' or '/' part of that segment.")

There is an issue of using SHOULD or MUST in some of the text.  Please
offer your suggestions on that as well.



Issue 2:  TAG Field Definition - Update


>From Archive:

Albert has proposed the following text (with modifications by Rainer):

   The TAG is a string of visible (printing) characters excluding SP,
   that MUST NOT exceed 64 characters in length.
   The first occurrence of a SP (space) will terminate the TAG field,
   but is not part of it.
   It is RECOMMENDED to terminate the TAG with a colon (':'), which if
   used, is part of the TAG.

   The TAG is used to denote the sender of the message. And is
   RECOMMENDED to have the following syntax:

     TAG          =  full-stat-id  [full-dyn-id] (':' / SP)
     full-stat-id =  [path] progname
     full-dyn-id  = '[' proc-id [thread-part] ']'
     path         =  path-part 1*(path-sep [path])
     path-part    = 1*VISUAL
     path-sep     = '/' / '\'
     progname     = 1*VISUAL
     proc-id      = 1*ALFANUM  ; recommended: number
     thread-part  = thread-sep thread-id
     thread-sep   = VISUAL     ; recommended: ",", or ':', or '.'
     thread-id    = 1*ALFANUM  ; recommended: number
     VISUAL       = ([a-zA-Z0-9...], excusing  '['
     SP           = %d32

   The PROGNAME part is special, as it is frequently used by relays to
   determine the routing of a message.  As a note to implementors: it
   can be found by getting the visual part before the first occurrence
   of '[', and after the last '\' or '/' part of that segment.

   An example of a TAG is: (without the quotes)

   Systems that use both process-ID's and thead-IDs, SHOULD fill both
   the proc-id and the thread-part. For other systems it is
   RECOMMENDED to use the proc-id only.

   Receivers SHOULD, to be consistent with the format described in
   RFC3164, accept TAGs that terminate with a single colon, without a
   space following it. Then the colon is both the last character of
   that TAG, and the field separator with the next field (MSG).

STATUS: This proposal has been received and is being considered.

Previously from the Archive:

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