Hi WG,

as the Seoul meeting is nearing, I would like to make a comment on the
eventually too-precise -protocol spec. Honestly, I have not fully made
up my mind and I am still waiting for some additional feedback from the
security and user community.

I asked questions to several security and analysis related lists and
plan to ask some more. I think due to the RSA conference, feedback so
far has been very limited. I think it is vital to also get some feedback
from outside the IETF, as these folks tend to use and/or implement the

Having said this, I would like to bring to your attention what
eventually a compromise could be: I really don't like to strip out all
the precise definitions and implementors notes and simply delete them.
OK, I could put them up on a web page, but that would just create a
false impression of non-deletion. Essentially that would just be yet
another web page on syslog and most probably implementors would not even
find it - IF they search, after all. So this is not really a solution.

On the other hand, many feel the spec is inappropriately thight. I am
still of the impression that it should be that way. However, how about
this: take those tight specifications out of -protocol, thus not making
them absolutely necessary. Then, create an informational draft, let's
say titled "Best practices for syslog implementation". Then, the
taken-away content goes in ther. In contrast to the web site, this would
have the advantage of making the information available inside a RFC, so
at least those implementors really concerned about doing it right should
be able to find it - much better than a web page.

I have the impression, though, that this by itself introduces new
potential security weaknesses as -protocol is then less precise.
However, I think it is a workable compromise, so I wouldn't object it. I
still think it would be more benefitial to leave -protocol precise. I
have to admit that the arguments provided so far have not convinced me.
The (few) feedback I got from the other lists is that preciseness adds
security - but, obviously, these were security folks. But is it bad to
listen? ;)

I outline my philosophy behind the preciseness here:
http://www.syslog.cc/ietf/why-indepth.html - feedback is appreciated (no
matter how bad it may be ;)).

PS: I am tracking this issue here:
PPS: I am unfortunatley unable to attend the Seoul meeting. Chris has
agreed to act as proxy (once again, many thanks, Chris).

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