---- Original Message -----
From: "Chris Lonvick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2005 3:04 PM
Subject: [Syslog] Secure substrate - need your input

> I'll be asking this in Vancouver but would like to get some input from the
> mailing list.
> Our charter says that we will develop a secure method to transport syslog
> messages.  We have BEEP (RFC 3195) but it has a low implementation record.
> Other groups have specified BEEP as well but are also moving along towards
> using SSH or SSL.
> 1) What secure substrate should the WG look towards:
> __  ssl
> __  ssh
> __  dtls  http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-rescorla-dtls-05.txt
> __  other
> 2) Why?
SSH; before the isms WG came into existence, there was a survey of operators to
find why SNMPv3 security was unacceptable and that showed that the most used
security was ssh; tls did not figure.  This makes sense to me as SSH is widely
used with telnet to control remote network devices - I do not see much (d)tls in
this area.

And, after due deliberation, netconf chose SSH.  Having it in use by three
working groups in the operations area seems the right thing.

Downside is the use of a reliable transport, in practice TCP, which then brings
a load of unnecessary baggage (mmm I think the IETF is missing a few transport
protocol options).

dtls sounds fine, and if it is in widespread use in five years time in this
environment, then it would have been the right choice but at present, it is a
gamble which I do not want to take.

Tom Petch

Syslog mailing list

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