Hi Folks,

I do want to be clear on this subject. Hauwei is well within their rights to discover something while writing a Working Group document, and then to claim IPR on that discovery. This has happened in the past which was why the IETF started writing BCP 79 - currently RFC 3979. The discussion of the use of IPR in IETF documents has been very rocky but overall, the IETF is really just catching up with other standards developing organizations. Almost all other standards organizations have developed clear rules about bringing IPR into their documents and the IETF has done the same.

This is not unique to our Working Group. Please look at the other IPR disclosure statements that have been filed:

I also want to note here that Hauwei has done the right thing in filing a disclosure. Please consider what would happen if a company knowingly inserted IPR into a standard without disclosing it. People and companies would implement it and would then be liable for whatever terms were imposed upon them. RFC 3979 clearly states that a disclosure must be made, and Huawei has done that.

The IETF will not make any assertions about the validity of any claim. RFC 3979 is clear on this point as well. As a Working Group, we have been informed that some IPR has been claimed and we will need to deal with it without attempting to decide if it is a valid claim or not. Now that we know that IPR is being claimed in one of our documents, we have some options open to us. We can either accept the terms and continue with the document, or we can attempt to work around the claim. There is a process here and we will follow it. I am again asking for your patience while we sort some things out. When we have more information, I will start asking for consensus on the mailing list. The first thing is to ask Hauwei to update their disclosure to address the most recent version of the document. I've sent that request and will notify everyone when I get a response.

What David Harrington has done has also been proper and according to form. He has notified the Working Group of an IPR disclosure statement. He called me and we discussed the situation. He felt that he didn't want there to be any question of a conflict of interest between his position as WG Co-Chair and that of a Huawei employee in this matter so he has recused himself of this discussion. I will ask for your coorporation and support in following this process so we can reach consensus and move forward.

If you wish to debate the use of IPR in IETF documents, please go to the iprwg.


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