On Wed, 2006-12-20 at 18:19 -0800, Chris Lonvick wrote:
> Hi,
> We started syslog-sign before we had Structured Data, and the original 
> author was creating a mechanism that could be used within the RFC 3164 
> framework.  However, times have changed.  We now have syslog-protocol with 
> SDs.
> Does the WG feel that syslog-sign should contain normative information on 
> how to utilize the syslog-sign mechanism in the RFC 3164 format?
> Answers can be:
> __ Yes - leave it, it forms a bridge for transition,
> __ No - take it out, we need to move the world along,
> __ Maybe - move it to a non-normative appendix

No. We should give reasons to migrate to the new protocol, syslog-sign
might be one of them, and I doubt there'd be real-world implementations
of syslog-sign over RFC3164


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