
Yes, another lucid explanation of a tricky subject.

The issue I wish I had never raised :-) was a response to Juergen saying

>  The combination of
>  syslogEntityControlBindAddr InetAddress
>  syslogEntityControlTransportDomain TransportDomain
>  syslogEntityControlService SyslogService
>  looks a bit crazy to me.
> - Why have both InetAddressType and TransportDomain?
> - Why not simply use (InetAddressType,InetAddress,InetPortNumber) or
>   (TansportAddressType,TransportAddress)?
> - What is the value of saying the service name is "xyz", which has
>   only local significance?
> - How do I find out which encapsulations are supported (plain, beep, tls,
> /js

which mostly I agree with.

But I think that there is no answer to finding out which encapsulations are
supported because I do not think that the way in which syslog is put together
has the concept of encapsulation; rather we have packages, bundles, like


So by all means ask the editor of -mib to change it to use
but I do not expect to see an answer there as to which encapsulations are

Tom Petch.


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