Hi Chris,

I've taken a look at this document, and I have just two comments. In section 4.2.2:
   A client's certificate must be associated with a unique private key .
   Private keys MUST NOT be shared between clients.

This is not part of the protocol, often beyond the control of the syslog implementor, and hence should be stricken. If you want to have a discussion about the shared use of private keys, please move it into Security Considerations with non-normative text.

Similarly, Section 4.2.3 overreaches:

   Syslog applications MUST be implemented in a manner that permits
   administrators, as a matter of local policy, to select the
   cryptographic level and authentication options they desire.

While I understand the desire for algorithm agility, this may not be possible in embedded applications. I would state this as a SHOULD.


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