
Am I right that systemd does currently have no support for the LSB
Required-Stop and Should-Stop keywords?  If yes, are there plans to
support them in the future?

The use case I have is in Fedora's vdr package:
http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/gitweb/?p=vdr.git .  The init script's
stop action uses rtcwake to set the next wakeup time for the box, and
even though the implementation is hairier than I'd like, it has worked
well for me before Fedora 15.  But with Fedora 15 and systemd it often
fails to do its job when shutting down the system (works fine if I just
stop vdr with the machine running), which causes my PVR box not to wake
up when it should and consequently missed timed recordings which is very

The way the init script's stop action handles setting the wakeup time is
that it looks up the time to set from the /var/run/vdr/next-timer file
which may or may not be present; if it's not, it grabs the time using
SVDRP (a simple TCP based protocol) from localhost, and finally if it
gets the time from one of these sources, writes it to the RTC with rtcwake.

I've done some debugging and when rtcwake fails, it fails because
/dev/rtc0 is being handled by /sbin/hwclock (hwclock-save.service).  So
my first thought was to add "hwclock-save" to the init script's
Should-Stop LSB keyword but that didn't help, so I grepped systemd's
sources for Should-Stop and found nothing.

I have some thoughts about "fixing" vdr to implement the wakeup time
stuff better than it does now sometime in the future, but for now
there's nothing.  Ideas for hacks/workarounds for the init script (see
above for the gitweb link) I could use to make sure that /var/run and
localhost networking are available at the time vdr gets stopped at
shutdown, and that nothing's reserving /dev/rtc0 at that time (so I
suppose $local_fs, $network, and $time/hwclock-save haven't been
"stopped" yet)?  Note that I'm stuck with the sysv vdr init script until
Fedora 16 (can't convert the package to native systemd before that).
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