How do I do the equivalent of chkconfig --list | grep '3:on'?

I am still struggling with a non-graphical computer.

I have rebooted this machine a number of times, and after booting into
single-user mode, I am able to manually start many services
(network.service,, squid.service, named.service,
cups.service, postfix.service and a number of others.), and currently,
everything I have started works, as does systemctl output, cups, and
logging in on a console.  I want to get a list of services required
for so that I can determine what makes my machine
unable to be logged into, except though sshd.  It would be less effort
to re-install, but I want to understand this systemd, and would
appreciate any pointers to how I can better diagnose these serious
Nick Urbanik    
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