On Wed, 25.01.12 14:49, David Thurgood (d.r.thurg...@gmx.com) wrote:

>    Dear Sir,
>    I am hoping that this is an appropriate place for a "feature request" with
>    respect to the program hwclock.
>    This relates to a very old problem, which as I remember goes back to the
>    PC's of the 70's and 80's.  My present PC seems to have just the same
>    issue.  It is this, that when the hardware clock is adjusted/reset then
>    the BIOS wake-on-alarm is deactivated.  I am sure that you guys know this
>    well enough.  So this is the simple request, please read the alarm state
>    before any adjustments, and restore them afterwards.  Thus whatever the
>    user has set will remain valid.

I think this is something that should be worked around in the kernel
drivers. Please file a bug on https://bugzilla.kernel.org/ !

Feel free to CC me on that bug, my login there is mzxre...@0pointer.de



Lennart Poettering - Red Hat, Inc.
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