microcai wrote:
> 2012/6/15 William Hubbs <w.d.hu...@gmail.com>
>> On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 07:27:26PM +0800, microcai wrote:
>>> 2012/6/15 William Hubbs <w.d.hu...@gmail.com>
>>>> systemd has several more dependencies than udev. Because of
>>>> that and because of the way the build system is setup to only
>>>> do a full systemd build, I have to install all of systemd's
>>>> dependencies on every gentoo user's system regardless of
>>>> whether or not they are using systemd or udev standalone.
>>> That's not true. Please tell us exactly which lib is use only by
>>> systemd and not by the rest of the system.
>> At least dbus and intltool are not used by udev. There are probably
>> more; I haven't really looked at all of the details yet.
>> It isn't only libraries though; many things get built even when you
>> use all of the --disable switches that are not needed on a system
>> that is using udev standalone.
> but others will do use dbus and intltool.

Requirements that systemd-183, -184, and -185 all add, over and above
the requirements of udev-182 (these are the deps that my initial patch
relaxed the requirements on with the right flag to configure):

gperf (--enable-keymap will require gperf for a udev build as well)

There is also an optional dependency that systemd-185 adds (libpam) --
but it's optional, so not relevant here.

Yes, some systems use dbus and FS capabilities.  But they are *not*
required for a Linux system, and they are not required for udev.  D-Bus
probably makes a full-on desktop system easier, no argument there -- but
not all of us are running full-on desktop systems, either.
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