First of all: I'm running the latest Arch Linux (complete with the latest systemd and everything else) and I've encrypted both my / and /home.
Now, the problem is that I can't get my /home to automount once I've mounted my /. My /etc/crypttab looks like this: home /dev/sda3 /etc/homepwd I've created /etc/homepwd using echo password > /etc/homepwd And yes, I've entered the correct password. When I boot I get dropped to a rescue shell because I can't mount /home. Here's my journalctl output: systemd-cryptsetup[293]: Invalid passphrase. systemd-cryptsetup[293]: Set cipher aes, mode xts-plain, key size 512 bits for device /dev/sda3. systemd-cryptsetup[293]: Invalid passphrase. systemd-cryptsetup[293]: Too many attempts. I've tried playing with the permissions (even did a chmod 777), but I still can't get systemd-cryptsetup to realize that the file contains the correct password. So, what to do?
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