On 11/09/2012 12:23 AM, William Giokas wrote:

I have been using systemd for a few months now, and I must say, it is a
great init system. I myself am no coder, else I would attempt to write
something to do just this. One not-dealbreaking thing that I do find
lacking is a verbose option for `systemctl start <unit>`, essentially
running `journalctl -f -u <unit>` (and possibly for multiple dependent
units as well). For most services, I feel like this would be a line or
two of output just saying "It worked!" or "It broke!" but for services
like netcfg@, or services that start dependencies, it could be useful to
see what's getting started and how it's getting started. Again, feel free
to ignore me, I don't know how feasible or practical this would be, but
it seems like it would be useful.

Again, sorry that I cannot put something together myself to at least
show you.

Thank you for your time.

Not the first and probably not the last that expected that behavior and proposed this.

What's lacking is the status to be shown when units are manually started/reloaded/restart/stopped there is just one slight problem implementing that which is you dont want that output when the service is started at boot time or shutdown...

perhaps that could be solved by introducing specific boot-start and shutdown-stop switches which would only be used to start unit or shut down units at boot-up/shutdown

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