On 11/20/2012 09:02 AM, Adam Spragg wrote:
On Tuesday 20 Nov 2012 01:21:54 Lennart Poettering wrote:
My intention was to speak only HTTP for all of this, so that we can
nicely work through firewalls.
Wait, I thought one of the guiding principles of systemd was to do things The
Right Way, and not use ugly workarounds for other people's brokenness.

If admins want to send network traffic over a port, and their firewall is
preventing them, surely the problem is in the firewall, and the firewall
should be fixed? Making everything HTTP-friendly to get around broken firewall
policies is an ugly workaround which just helps perpetuate the problem.

Agreed + you dont want to use ssh to do this ether

Not to mention the fact that HTTP is a horrible protocol for almost anything
except serving up web pages. It's effectively implements a basic
request/response datagram protocol (albeit with arbitrarily large "packets"),
which can only be initiated from one side, but with the overhead of HTTP
headers and the creation of a TCP connection.


I somehow always imagined remote systemd and systemd journal integration being handle in similar manner as func [1] and certmaster[2] are doing.

1. https://fedorahosted.org/func/
2. https://fedorahosted.org/certmaster/


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