On 04/17/2013 01:32 PM, Lennart Poettering wrote:
On Wed, 17.04.13 13:21, Mark Hounschell (ma...@compro.net) wrote:

The only thing I see in /var/log/messages is:

2013-04-17T11:36:51.667308-04:00 utils-linux su: (to lcrs) root on

Bu that's run on ttyS0? Is that really script? How do spawn that script?

 From the service file:
ExecStart=/sbin/qlogin /dev/ttyS0 root --homedir=/lcrs --noutmp
--command=/bin/bash --login -c /lcrs/sh.lcrs

Then in the sh.lcrs "script" ANY su command is borked.

2013-04-17T11:36:51.668896-04:00 utils-linux systemd-logind[1731]:
New session c4 of user lcrs.
2013-04-17T11:36:51.705945-04:00 utils-linux systemd-logind[1731]:
Removed session c4.

if you invoke "logger test" via su here, do you see it logging

Maybe your implementation of "su" is borked? Some older implementations
misused PAM and immediately closed the PAM session after creating
it... Which implementation do you use?

# rpm -qf /usr/bin/su

That looks OK. Can you try the logger thing I suggested? That should
tell us if the transition works at all...

Sorry, I had a dentist Apt.

Uh, I put this as the first command in the /lcrs/sh.lcrs script:

/bin/su -m -c "logger test" lcrs

This comes out in the log:

2013-04-17T15:41:29.754272-04:00 utils-linux systemd-logind[1722]: New session c1 of user lcrs.
2013-04-17T15:41:29.829129-04:00 utils-linux logger: test
2013-04-17T15:41:29.831565-04:00 utils-linux systemd-logind[1722]: Removed session c1.

A couple of strange things now. The rest of the script works fine now??? I removed the logger test and rebooted. The script is still working???? Is there something being cached somewhere? I swear anything I used su for was borked until I added that extra line???

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