Am 13.05.2013 16:16, schrieb Frederic Crozat:
>> I waited at least 5 minutes one time even an hour. It seems most
>> processes are beeing killed however something hangs. My guess was that
>> perhaps autofs is not terminated correctly which might cause hanging NFS
>> mounts, but this is only a guess because I cannot see what happens
>> inside systemd. Thats why I look for ways to find out more.
> Did you try to enable a debug-shell, following
> ?

In between I tried the debugging shell. On tty9 I get the shell, but  no
matter which command I try (mount, ps, ..) I do not get any results and
the command seems to hang. I can even type nonesense like fff and get no
error but again the "command" hangs. I can interrupt it by Ctrl-C and
get a new shell prompt.

The system is still active, eg I can change ttys the system reacts to
magig sysreq key press.

I disabled the autofs init-script and then tried to start up and reboot
like before. This time it worked each time I tried.

Next I tried to reenable autofs, reboot, then  manually stopped the
service (systemctl stop autofs) and then reboot. Again the system hangs
but this time I still have a remote ssh open and it was not killed so I
could run journalctl to get the log:

What is striking to me is that the logs shows:

May 14 09:28:27 rzinstal3 systemd[1]: Unit autofs.service entered failed

This was exactly the time I manually stopped autofs, which worked. One
existing NFS automount was umounted and no auto* process is now running
any longer.

I'll leave the system in that state (a working shell still open) if
someone has an idea how to find out more about this problem.

A list of all running processes can be seen here:

Rainer Krienke, Uni Koblenz, Rechenzentrum, A22, Universitaetsstrasse  1
56070 Koblenz,, Tel: +49261287 1312
PGP:,Fax: +49261287

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