В Sat, 18 May 2013 23:50:52 -0700
David Strauss <da...@davidstrauss.net> пишет:

> > - some package install directly file in /usr/lib/systemd/system/*.wants
> > There is some special case ( like plymouth ), but usually, that
> > shouldn't be done directly in the package, but better done in %post, and
> > in /etc ?
> No, the systemd ideal is that packages should not ever install systemd
> units or settings into /etc. Lennart's long-term goal is for daemons
> to not install anything by default to /etc, but I think our scope of
> authority in this discussion ends with systemd-related matters.
> > IE, is this right to make a warning or a error when that occurs ?
> It should be an error.

Do you mean, "installing directly under /usr/lib/systemd/system/*.wants
should be an error"? It was the actual question.

I do not think there is single answer in all cases. IMHO it is
perfectly valid to use /usr/lib/systemd/system/*.wants to express
inter-services dependencies. If service A needs services B and C to
work, they should be installed as /usr/lib/systemd/A.wants, so starting
A also transparently starts them.
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