Hi All,

I am new to Systemd, Need help about understanding some of features of the
I am interested in knowing the failure of a service and the exact cause of

Inside the systemd unit file there are options like SuccessExitStatus and
On-failure. In SuccessExitStatus we can specify the signals which when
received will be considered as the the successful exit. my question is

1. Any other signal than the ones mentioned in SuccessExitStatus would be
considered as the failure(on-failure)?
2. How can we get the exact signal from on-failure?
2. Rather than Restart = on-failure, can we use something like
on-failure = xyz.service
3. Is there any Dbus interface exposed by systemd which can be used to get
the information like service with unusual exit and the corresponding signal?

Thanks in advance. Kindly forgive me if the questions are already answered.

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