On Tue, 05.11.13 00:51, Ivan Shapovalov (intelfx...@gmail.com) wrote:

> Hello!
> I'm still trying to make my friendship with logind.
> I have a headless server with Xvnc server running on it. Under the server
> a logind session is created by the DM.
> The session has Type=x11, but VTNr=0 since Xvnc does not bind itself to any 
> VT.
> Hence the session is always Active=no (there is no VT I can switch
> to).

Nah, that's not how this really should work.

Basically, there are sessions which are assigned to seats and sessions
which aren't. Seats in this case means local, physical seats. Sessions
without seats are unconditionally active. Only sessions with seats can
be inactive. Since an xvnc session is not a local one it should not have
a seat, and hecnce should alway be active.

> So the question is: it is possible to mark a session as "always active"
> or something like that?

Well, that should be the case implicitly if the session is properly
registered. What does "loginctl show-session" print for this session?


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat
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