Since I had gotten the message from you, I had learned socket program for
normal test.
After making sample processes like server and client, I tested them in many
But, when I tested my sample codes, the common problem was founded that the
server process always waited for acceptance in accept function().
That situation continued whether "Accept= true" or not in service unit.
In order to get a string sent from client, I should execute the client
process once again.
Below messages are log while I executed client process.


server[906]: SD_LISTEN_FDS_START: 3
server[906]: Creating Server Socket in Server
server[906]: Set Memset in Server
server[906]: Set Address family as AF_UNIX in Server
server[906]: Copy socket path in Server
server[906]: Unlink Socket in Server
server[906]: Bind Server Socket
server[906]: Listen to Client in Server
server[906]: Taking acception in Server            -----> there was no
respond, waiting.......


server[906]: Read Buffer from client in Server
server[906]: read 100 bytes: welocome to socket world   -----> the string
sent from clinet process
server[906]: Taking accept in Server  -------------------------> why(?)

But, when I executed them without socket unit in each other, the server
process passed accept function and result was normal.
I wonder why it is repeated in server process.

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