There doesn't appear to be any way to convince systemd
to abandon utterly unimportant "stop jobs" during
shutdown and advance to actually important things
like cleanly syncing and un-mounting local hard

For example, there are bugs like this:

Who really cares if we wait on a user daemon to
stop when we are shutting down the whole system?
And this is a bug anyway, there isn't actually
anything to wait on. Bugs like this will reappear
(this is inevitable).

More relevant perhaps is waiting on an NFS filesystem
to unmount when I happen to know the frigging
remote system has gone down and won't be talking to
me, yet systemd insists on waiting practically
forever for the umount.

Couldn't systemd listen for Ctrl-Alt-Delete on the
console keyboard and stop waiting on whatever
stop job(s) it is hung up on at the moment?

There really are times the poor fool sitting in
front of the system has better information than
systemd. (And might like to get his system shutdown
cleanly so he can get home on time :-).
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