On Sat, 01.03.14 01:36, Justin Brown (justin.br...@fandingo.org) wrote:

> Sorry for this very basic question, but I've hit a wall and can't
> figure what I need to do. I'm getting started on trying to do some
> systemd development. The most natural way for me to compile systemd is
> to use the Fedora RPM spec to create an RPM and install that on a test
> machine. I've pulled the systemd-210.tar.xz and used that to build
> RPMs based on the Fedora 20 systemd package. That's easy enough.
> The problem that I have is taking the systemd git repository and
> turning that into a tarball that the RPM spec file can use. In
> particular, it fails -- at least initially -- because there are lots
> of files missing in doc/. I'm assuming that I need to run some
> commands to prep the repository before creating the tarball. Could
> someone enlighten me what steps need to be taken before building the
> RPM?
> 1. ??
> 2. tar cJf systemd-210.tar.xz systemd-210/
> 3. mv systemd-210.tar.xz ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/
> 4. rpmbuild -bb ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/systemd.spec

git clone git://anongit.freedesktop.org/systemd/systemd systemd
cd systemd
./autogen.sh c
make distcheck

This will generate the .xz tarball for you.


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat
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