On Tue, 04.03.14 16:24, arnaud gaboury (arnaud.gabo...@gmail.com) wrote:

> I have a npsawn/networkd managed container. Unfortunately, I can't
> reach network from the container. Below are part of the setup.
> On host :
> /etc/systemd/network/70-dahlia-network
                                ^ a dash? Should be a dot?

> [Match]
> Host=host0
> Virtualization=container

Hmm? This match section is conditionalized to Virtualization=container
but you say it is for the host?

> [NetDev]
> Name=br0
> Kind=bridge
> ***************
> /etc/systemd/network/80-dahlia-network
                                ^ a dash? Should be a dot?

> [Match]
> Virtualization=container

Again? Is this for host or for the container?

> [Network]
> DHCP=no
> DNS=
> [Address]
> Address=
> [Route]
> Gateway=
> *********

This really makes no sense to me at all, i don't grok a word of what you
are writing here.

The term "host" refers the system the containers run on, usually...

> two static netctl profiles, one for enp7s0 and one for br0

Is netctl running on the host or in the container?

Note that not all network management daemons can run inside a container,
since there is no udev there, or suchlike.


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat
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