On Fri, 14.03.14 01:24, Anand Neeli (anand.ne...@gmail.com) wrote:

> Hello,
> I have multiple systems, How do i forward logs from one system running
> systemd-journald to another remote systems journal service, so that all the
> logs are stored on a centralized machine.
> Have went through systemd-journal-gatewayd, but this forwards logs on
> http/https, doesnt send it to another remote systems journal.
> can this be done only using systemd services? without using syslog-ng or
> any other tools?

Not really, no.

You can copy the journal files to a central location and use "journalctl
-m" to merge them on display, but there's currently no nice live remote
logging in place. Use rsyslog/syslog-ng for that, currently.


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat
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