On Mon, Jun 16, 2014 at 3:12 PM, Jay D Bhatt <jay.bh...@igate.com> wrote:
> Hi Andrey,
> I also think getty is missing. There was no sbin/getty, it was agetty, so I 
> created soft link to make sbin/getty.

systemd already calls agetty, it si just that service is named

> Secondly, "cat /sys/class/tty/console/active" was not possible as there was 
> no folders structure inside /sys/.
> I didn't got your below question " I see ssh service - are you able to ssh 
> into it?" How do I do ssh into it? Please guide.
> Other interesting thing I found was systemd rules were not set for ttymxc* .

Not sure which rules do you mean?

> I set the rules for it, since I am using console=ttymxc3. So, now I am again 
> building new rpm of system and generating image and checking out about 
> hanging problem.

Do you have device node /dev/ttymxc3? If yes, you could try to
explicitly enable getty service on it

ln -s /usr/lib/systemd/system/getty@.service

This /should/ give you login on console. (Yu ay need to create
/etc/systemd/system/default.target.wants directory)

Hmm ... but if you do not have sysfs, systemd may not notice that
device is now available ... at least coldplugging of devices will
definitely *not* work, and console driver is built in, so no getty
service still. You need to sort out sysfs issue first. What "ls -lR
/sys" shows?

> If you find anything missing, let me know?

Mantas already commented on other parts.
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