On 07/08/2014 07:31 PM, Tollef Fog Heen wrote:
]] Tom Gundersen

Patches look good. Only found one tiny nit. We should come up with a
better name though, feels wrong that the name is very generic (and
clashes with other uses), whilst the usage is quite specific (limited
to "testing", "staging", "production").
Surely at least qa and dev should go onto that list.  (You generally
want more than one dev environment too, often one or more per

These days people usually use only 3 tier level ( used to be four back in the day ) as in Development and Integration is done the same tier while Staging and Production are separated tiers altogether. We could extend that and include the fourth tier missing tier ( as in Integration ) as "optional" for those that prefer 4 tier layer over 3 tier but people moved away form that model to the 3 tier one.

Development tier

Is the working environment for individual developers or small teams.
More often than not this work is done in isolation with the rest of the tiers, the developer(s) can try radical changes to the code without adversely affecting the rest of the development team.

Integration tier

A common environment where all developers commit code changes.

This environment combines and validates the work of the entire project team so it can be tested before being promoted to the Staging Environment.

More common these days is for Development and Integration to be the same environment as well as run automate tests etc.

Staging tier

The staging tier is a environment that is as identical to the production environment as possible.

The purpose of the Staging environment is to simulate as much of the Production environment as possible for the final test phase ( test using deployment process and test using an real data source, final test of the application itself etc ) as well as more often than not acts as an demonstration/training environment.


The production tier consist the final products and might include a single machine or or cluster of machines or containers, cloud whatever.

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