On 07/09/2014 08:33 AM, Tollef Fog Heen wrote:
]] "Jóhann B. Guðmundsson"

If we manage to do that, introduce "rolefulfilment=" in units which we
would define those standardized predefined set of roles as in for
httpd.service we might have rolefulfilment=web server, for postgresql,
rolefulfilment=database server etc.  so you could list/query etc the
machine primary role and at the same time list the daemon/service who
fulfills that role
It's not useful to know that a machine is a database server.  It's
useful to know if it's a postgres server or a mysql server or an oracle
server, be it for monitoring or for connecting to it.

Yes it is and if you dont see the benefits of knowing the roles of your machine or containers and using roles in your infrastructure I cannot help you.

Making statement like this just because they might not be useful to your usecase scenario or workflow is simply silly.

My best advice to you if this would get implement is simply dont use roles.

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