On Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 07:31:31PM +0200, Lennart Poettering wrote:


> Now, this alone wouldn't provide compatibility with the dreaded
> login.defs file. For that we'd then employ a postinst script that reads
> the range from the file, and then automatically generates a sysuers.d
> drop-in or a patches journald.conf and coredump.conf should the range
> not match the default.
> Does this make sense?
Seems like a great big effort to avoid reading a simple configuration

When people want to teach systemd to generate dynamic configuration
based on some other configuration, to pass commandline options and/or
environment variables to a daemon that is starting up, because the
daemon cannot do it on its own, we always tell them: teach the daemon
to do that on its own. We should apply the same principle here, and
not spread the configuration over n automatically generated files.

> As a side effect this would actually even allow us to be closer to
> FEdora's current bheaviour, since it reserves UIDs < 200 for static
> assignment, which we could then easily exclude from theis logic, too.
In practice this might not be useful, because even if all the 800 UIDs
starting from 999 were used up, it would be better to encroach on the
"static" range than to fail.

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