On Tue, 26.08.14 17:45, Miroslav Lichvar (mlich...@redhat.com) wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 07:50:23AM -0700, Marcel Holtmann wrote:
> > and writing a good DHCP client was supposedly also really hard.
> > Guess what we have done that twice now and both of our clients are
> > better than everything else out there. And guess what, we did the
> > same for NTP.
> Are you saying timesyncd is already better than chronyd or ntpd? In
> what criteria? To me it looks like the only advantage currently is the
> integration with networkd. 

First of all, tiemsyncd is *very* new. timesyncd is supposed to be a
minimal client side SNTP implementation. It's not suitable for
super-accurate industrial time-keeping or anything like that, but it is
simple, minimal, and supposed to *just work*. It focusses strictly on the
client side of things, and doesn't lose itself in details RTC skews and
whatnot. It's supposed to cover the 90% that the vast majority of
devices need, and for the rest of 10% we want it to easily be replacable
with a full NTP server solution. It's not supposed to be a fancy project
of its own, it's supposed to just be that bit that is there, and is good
enough, and unless you really need super-high precision there you don't
need to install any additional package.

> I see some trivial bugs in the code, I'll send patches.

Thanks, please do! Appreciated!


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat
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