
On Sat, Sep 13, 2014 at 1:44 AM, Michael Biebl <mbi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> we are currently trying to debug an upgrade failure from 208 to 215
> [1] in Debian related to the sd_notify/watchdog feature.
> This bug is not reliably reproducibly, we suspect a race somewhere
> when systemd is re-exec'ed and a daemon currently tries to talk to
> systemd via sd_notify.
> In my attempt to trigger the issue, I changed the bluetooth.service
> (which uses the watchdog feature) and set WatchdogSec=1, i.e. it
> notifies systemd every second.
> As a result, systemd is using 25% of my CPU time, and bluetoothd 12%:
>   PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU %MEM     TIME+
>     1 root      20   0  110716   5256   3224 R  24,6  0,1   1:42.23
> systemd
> 13503 root      20   0   23556   3876   3568 S  12,0  0,0   0:48.52
> bluetoothd
> This seems highly inefficient and looks like a codepath which isn't
> particularly optimized.

I can reproduce this with bluetoothd, but not with any systemd service.

I looked at some perf-traces and there's nothing particularly
surprising there. I mean, sd_notify() is quite heavy. We create a new
socket for each call. It's not meant to be used in tight loops. I also
created some flame-graphs: It's all layed out even. 30% bluetoothd,
50% systemd, 20% swapper (mostly CPU idle). And for bluetoothd and
systemd it's split between socket(), sendmsg/recvmsg and close() quite
evenly again (plus some VFS cgroup reads on systemd side).

So, lets look at the bluetoothd code:

        watchdog_usec = getenv("WATCHDOG_USEC");
        seconds = atoi(watchdog_usec) / (1000 * 1000);

        watchdog = g_timeout_add_seconds_full(G_PRIORITY_HIGH,
                                        seconds / 2,
                                        NULL, NULL);

If WATCHDOG_USEC is smaller than 2,000,000 (2s), then "seconds" is <=1
and thus "seconds / 2" is 0. Thus, bluetoothd sends watchdog
notifications without any timeout.

Two solutions:
1) Don't set such watchdog values for bluetoothd.
2) Fix bluetoothd to use "usec" instead of seconds.

We could ignore excessive watchdog reports on the systemd side, but
that seams like working around problems at the wrong end. And in this
case, it would just cause systemd to spend less time on processing the
requests and bluetoothd sending more requests instead.

Regardless of the bluez behavior, I don't think there's any need to
optimize sd_notify(). But comments welcome!

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