Hi Tom,

On 18 September 2014 18:29, Tom Gundersen <t...@jklm.no> wrote:
> In general, I don't think we should add patches for the sole purpose
> of non-glibc compatibility. You would in most cases be much better
> served by adding the missing functionality to your libc, rather than
> to each of the project requiring the functionality.

Thank you for looking through these. The problem is that musl is aiming
at making a lean and efficient posix libc, not a glibc clone. So stuff
like parse_printf_format and canonicalize_file_name is not a fix, but
unnecessary bloat. So it seems I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place.
I guess I had hoped the resistance in this camp would be more against
doing the work rather than actually be able to work with a posix libc and not
only glibc.

> That said, we are of course happy to take patches that are "the right
> thing to do" regardless of which libc is being used, so I merged some
> of the patches you posted.

Cool. I can resend updates of the ones you commented on.

> Btw, have you considered simply putting glibc on your router in the
> first place? If you can fit systemd, you can probably fit glibc too...

Well, last time I tried this linux, musl, systemd, busybox, base, I had a
Lua webserver running from linux + squashfs taking around 3MB out
the 8MB available on the gadget. Maybe systemd has grown since then,
I didn't get this far this time around.

Also I think I might have made a mistake in mentioning OpenWRT. My
point was more that I'd like systemd to run on hardware with the same
kind of specs as OpenWRT is designed for, not necessarely replacing
OpenWRT everywhere. I was thinking of gadgets like the VoCore [1],
Arduino's Yun [2], Intel's Galileo boards[3] and Edison SOC [4] to name
a few.

[2] http://arduino.cc/en/Main/ArduinoBoardYun
[4] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GY8kaaFzbTE
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