
I know this is a daring post.

I just have one question. In the light of



developing some systemd compatible services for BSD: 

in the light of

Debian Bug report logs - #727708
tech-ctte: Decide which init system to default to in Debian.

Debian Bug report logs - #746715
the foreseeable outcome of the TC vote on init systems

in the light of the ongoing discussions on linux-kernel, debian-devel, debian-
user and other mailing lists more than some dozens threads meanwhile:

Did you ever ask yourself why your project provokes that amount of resistance 
and polarity? Did you ever ask yourself whether this really is just resistance 
against anything new from people who just do not like "new" or whether it 
contains *valuable* and *important* feedback?

I am taking this upstream with you, cause I think too much of this is 
resignately been discussed elsewhere, discussed elsewhere for as I got the 
feedback on various occasions where I recommended to take feedback upstream 
that people have no hope in having their feedback considered at all.

For now I use systemd. I like quite some features. But on the other hand I am 
vary about it myself. I look at a 45 KiB binary for /sbin/init as PID1 and a 
1,3 MiB binary in systemd 215 and wonder myself. I see systemd --user 
processes running and wonder: Why does the user related stuff need to be in the 
systemd binary. I had it that it didn´t mount an NFS export and while in the 
end it was a syntax error in fstab that sysvinit happily ignored, I needed a 
bug report and dev help to even find that cause. I wonder about the complexity 
involved in one single large binary.

Well… its not about my thoughts about systemd, it is about my perception that 
I never seen any free software upstream project creating this amount of 
polarity and discussion in a decade or more.

Is it really all just nay-sayers for the sake of nay-saying? Or do they – at 
least partly – provide *valuable* and *important* feedback.

That said I will continue to provide constructive bugreports for as long as 
systemd is behaving for me on my systems, for as long as I want to give it a 
chance to prove its benefits.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald - http://www.Lichtvoll.de
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