> > However, this one appears bogus to me. Is there any such software
> > around that really does this? And if so, this really appears weird to
> > me to support. Delaying shutdown for more than 30min is just wrong.
> Isn't this what the various "download updates and reboot" gnome-y
> things are doing?
At least unattended-upgrades from Debian/Ubuntu/... can be configured to 
install updates on shutdown (without any special mode or something). And, 
yes, this can run for more than 30 minutes, which I could already observe in 
its default mode (installing during normal system activities), so I see no 
reason why this should not happen when configured to install during shutdown. 
The reason is, that unattended-upgrades can basically update the whole 
distribution to the next version, which naturally can take a lot of time.

It's questionable if this is a sane setup, but I can think of setups where 
this might be useful, e.g. having two identically configured servers for 
redundancy reasons where one server would be enough. Then it might make sense 
to update one system during shutdown while the other one takes over. This has 
the advantage, that normally running servers either have the old or the new 
state, but never some intermediate state during the update. The shutdown time 
does not really matter in this case and a watchdog killing the system 
wouldn't be welcome. But all in all this seems like an exotic use case.

Kind regards

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