I was playing around with systemd-nspawn and systemd-run. The latter doesn't
seem to let me run a command that solely exists on the container.
simple way of reproducing: drop a file foo into the container, then on the
host run

    systemd-run -M mycontainer /path/to/foo 

I expected this to run foo on the container. It does, but checks for the
command to exist locally first and fails. A simple touch /path/to/foo; chmod
+x $_ is sufficient to bypass that check, but that feels somewhat odd.

run.c calls find_binary() [1] which doesn't take the container argument into
account. So it does what the code tells it to do, I'm just not sure
whether it is a bug or intended behaviour and I misunderstood something.


[1] tested commit 73fc23c0641d3659330f44cf1a6ea112d6a51708
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