On Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 1:25 AM, Cameron Norman
<camerontnor...@gmail.com> wrote:

>>>  ...except that its introduction (usually --with-libsystemd) in those
>>> 100 (or so) packages has been done in a mutually-exclusive,
>>> hard-compile-time switch that *excludes* the possibility of dynamic
>>> (runtime) decision-making.
>> I think this is the crux of the matter. Please accept the fact that
>> this compile time switch does not preclude runtime decision making at
>> all. When not running under systemd, calls into libsystemd degrade
>> into silent noops. So they only "cost" that is an extra unused 600kb
>> library, which is completely insignificant.
> And when it is significant you are usually in situation where you are
> compiling your own packages and can remove the systemd compile time
> option.

 *thinking this scenario through*.... yes.  typically the outlier OSes
and build environments (the embedded ones).  openwrt, buildroot,
openembedded, and so on.

 emdebian is an interesting corner-case, there, which is probably
going to be adversely affected.  emdebian is unique in that it isn't a
pure from-source embedded OS, it's a half-way house between
precompiled (best of debian) and a base on which you are encouraged to
cross-compile further packages.

 unlike other scenarios (all of which are from-scratch complete source
recompiles, usually cross-compiled), emdebian _is_ going to be caught
between a rock and a hard place on that one.

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