
after killing a container started via "systemd-nspawn" I get the following error message:

Failed to register machine: Unit machine-test\x2dserver.scope already exists.

Using google I found the following bug report:


I'm running Arch Linux

  # uname -a
Linux test1.ib.vrnetze.de 3.18.6-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Sat Feb 7 08:44:05 CET 2015 x86_64 GNU/Linux

And I've got systemd 219 installed from the [testing]-repository

  $ pacman -Qi systemd
  Name           : systemd
  Version        : 219-1
  Description    : system and service manager
  Architecture   : x86_64

I installed the dkr image by using "machinectl"

$ sudo machinectl pull-dkr feduxorg/test-server --dkr-index-url https://index.docker.io --verify=no --force

I ran the dkr image by using "systemd-nspawn"

  # systemd-nspawn -xbM test-server

And killed the machine with "^]^]^]".

After that I am not able to start the machine again:

  # systemd-nspawn -bxM test-server
Spawning container test-server on /var/lib/machines/.#test-server4f0158116691c25f.
  Press ^] three times within 1s to kill container.
Failed to register machine: Unit machine-test\x2dserver.scope already exists.

When listing all machines, there is no machine

  # machinectl list

  0 machines listed.

I found the scope which is given in the error message, when using the "--all"-flag

  # systemctl list-units --all
machine-test\x2dserver.scope loaded inactive dead Container test-server

To get rid of that scope I needed to disable it

  systemctl disable machine-test\x2dserver.scope

Did I do something wrong or is it a bug in the kernel/systemd?

Thanks a lot.


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