13. Juni 2015 02:32 Uhr, "Johannes Ernst" <johannes.er...@gmail.com> schrieb:

> My host obtains an IP address and DNS server via DHCP from upstream via 
> Ethernet like this (systemd
> 219, Arch Linux)
> [Match]
> Name=en*
> [Network]
> DHCP=ipv4
> It has the resolv.conf symlink to /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf, and the 
> DNS server from DHCP
> shows up there.
> It also has this test.network file:
> [Match]
> Name=ve-*
> [Network]
> Address=
> IPMasquerade=yes
> IPv4LL=yes
> DHCPServer=yes
> IPForward=yes
> My host runs a container like this: (systemd 219, UBOS (just like Arch Linux))
> systemd-nspawn -b -D test -n
> The container does not have any networkd configuration. It has the 
> resolv.conf symlink, and runs
> systemd-networkd
> I was expecting:
> * container gets an IP address from host in some new subnet: WORKS, e.g 
> * container can route to upstream via IPMasquerade: WORKS, after manual 
> 'modprobe iptable_nat'
> * container gets the DNS server from the host: FAILS: /etc/resolv.conf points 
> to Google name
> servers instead ( etc)
> * host and container can ping test (if test is the name of the container 
> machine per machinectl):
> FAILS, neither can
> What am I misunderstanding or doing wrong? If somebody educates me, I’ll put 
> the insights on a wiki
> somewhere (e.g. Arch)

Hi, you need to configure the networkd inside your container to issue 
DHCP-Request on its own
like you did on the host:



> Thanks,
> Johannes.
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