Goffredo Baroncelli posted on Sat, 13 Jun 2015 17:09:19 +0200 as

> My attempt followed a different idea: the mount helper waits the devices
> if needed, or if it is the case it mounts the filesystem in degraded
> mode.
> All devices are passed as mount arguments (--device=/dev/sdX), there is
> no a device registration: this avoids all these problems.
> [*] http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.file-systems.btrfs/40767

But /dev/sdX doesn't always work, because, for instance, my usual /dev/sdb 
was slow to respond on my last boot, and currently appears as /dev/sdf, 
with sdb/c/d/e being my (multi-type) sdcard, etc, adapter, medialess.

Tho if /dev/disk/by-*/* works, I could use that.  Tho AFAIK it's udev 
that fills that in, so udev would be necessary.

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